Tuesday, July 28, 2009


I'm not doing a not me monday post this week. First of all, I didn't have internet all day due to a huge storm last night and our modem getting fried. Luckily it was comcast's modem and they replaced it. Secondly, I want all the attention (or the very little) that my blog gets to be directed towards little Stellan and his mom Jennifer. Stellan isn't doing well and my heart aches for Jennifer as a mom and a sister-in-Christ. I can not image how draining and gut wrenching it must be to watch your baby lay in the ICU struggling to live and not be able to help them. So please please please pray for little Stellan. He's so little and full of joy and I know his family isn't ready to let go, and neither am I for that matter. Pray Pray Pray!!

http://www.mycharmingkids.net for updates

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